Wednesday, November 22, 2006

19th Century Bavarian Maps

The Bayerische Landesbibliothek Online [click on the map] have recently uploaded some 900 survey maps from the state of Bavaria. The mapping project began in 1808 but the majority are from the mid-1800s. Although they don't appear to have the Ajaxy goodness of adjacent background loading, I kind of enjoyed using their thumbnail interface - they 'feel' like vintage satellite maps. There is a placename index too.

These might have been here sooner had it not been for some extreme computer problems in the last few days. Despite having a systems engineer from a major nameless American company here helping to upgrade the memory etc, I lost (among some other stuff) a few hundred bookmarks that I hadn't got around to posting to That is a seriously annoying happenstance and will probably possibly keep things a bit slower than usual around here for a while. You just have to laugh and move on I guess. I don't see the point in backing them up when they get cycled through here pretty regularly. At least the beige beast zips along now anyway.

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